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July 10, 2013

Tong Sui: Dried Bean Curd Skin With Ginkgo Nuts Soup

  • 1 packet of Dried bean curd skin
  • 20 Ginkgo nuts
  • 1/4 packet of rock sugar
  • Egg, barley, soya milk, pandan leave (optional)

  1. Soak dried bean curd sheet in cold water for 30 minutes.  Do similar with the barley in a separate bowl.
  2. Boil barley in a pot of water, add pandan leave if you like.
  3. Add in the dried bean curd and stir until the bean curd is dissolved or until you get the texture that you preferred.
  4. Beat a 1-3 eggs and dropped the beaten eggs into the boiling water in a stream to form the egg swirl and keep stirring.  Or you can break the eggs directly into the pot and enjoy a half boiled egg york in your soup.
  5. Add in the rock sugar.
1st trail : 9 July 2009
2nd trail : Sept 2013 - succeed!

Dried bean curd skin

Rock sugar
Boil in a pot

Dried Bean Curd Skin With Ginkgo Nuts Soup, this one without egg

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